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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Women's March in Detroit Anti Trump Inauguration on campus of Wayne State University

January 21st, 2017, in Detroit, women social group 'Go Girls' were marching across the campus of Wayne State University.

Over 4,000 people walking along the Warren, Anthony Wayne Dr, and then Woodward Ave, Sally Roberts, the director of 'Go Girls', organized this women's march, meanwhile a few men were also attracted to join in. It was one of many marches throughout Michigan and Washington D.C. , held on the same day anti Trump and appealing to women's rights.

People were gathering in the early morning in front of the Fountain Court. Then they teamed up marching across the Gullen Mall, chanting "women's rights are human rights".

Chinese Abstract:
美东时间2017年1月21日上午,在底特律和华盛顿的女权社团举行了游行,呼吁女权以及反对Trump等口号标语。底特律的社团‘Go Girls’组织了本地的游行。如同很多美国表达呼声的集会一样,她们播放音乐,队伍很长占满了附近的几条街道,但平静而有序。

Friday, January 13, 2017

A good site for local science education - Michigan Science

In some University campus and multi-cultural center, the science museum often plays a critical role on the local education service. In the Michigan Science Center, people from neighborhood, helped by the instructors from the local University Wayne State, together with their children and family, spent a night or a holiday to learn some Science, New Tech or Nano.

Fig1. A bridge for the traffic study 

Especially during the holiday season, some interesting topics will be shown by the Science Center. For example, how the creatures generate light for our glow nights. How a firefly will create high efficiency light - Fluorescence, in the summer nights. In the deep abyss of the great ocean, how the Dragonfish uses its light to lure food. Also the bio-luminescence by calcite, coral, vampire blood and some marvels.

Science education is sometime the engine of the economics. These special exhibits and movies are very beneficial to learning community.

Chinese Abstract,